CIoT 2023 Venue
The conference will take place at the Lusófona University in Lisbon, which is the largest non-public university in Portugal with over 10.000 students and more than 1500 teachers and researchers. The University is organized around 10 Schools that offer 40 undergraduate Degrees, 44 Master Degrees, including 4 European Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees and 10 PhD programs, besides several lifelong learning programs. It covers a wide range of areas (Arts, social sciences, Engineering, sports, health sciences, and veterinary) and its research structure comprises 6 FCT funded R&D units, of which Cognitive and People Centric Computing Labs (COPELABS) focuses on computer science, under the department of Informatics Engineering and Information Systems (DEISI).
Lusófona University
Address: Campo Grande, 376,
1749-024, Lisbon